right so, number 23, anybody seen that movie? Jim Carrey going haywaire over a number? okay, for those who haven't there's such a thing as the 23 engima were events are ruled by the number 23 and human beings from all walks of life seem to come to the agreement that 23 is indeed a very creepy number, but then again, isn't everything potentially creepy? the human brain has the capacity of turning anything into a scray thought. Hold on, I'm not saying watching the movie was a complete waste of my not so valuable time, on the contrary, it actually pushed me on giving the podcast a slightly different turn, maybe go for a darker and more mysterious vibe than the usual brightness that accompanies my music, but that presented a problem since my sometimes overly organized nature had driven me to pre-produce the separate tracks and have them ready for mixing. So I had five tracks that had nothing to do with this newly found 23 aesthetic.
How do we add mystery? I kept asking myself this question and looking for inspiration on noir fiction like Max Payne, adventure stoires like Myst and more 23 enigma content like german film 23, even creepypasta.org served me as inspiration.
But to what conclusion did I arrive after all this information frenzy? Numbers are blank slates and contain no meaning unless we give them one.
if you must go on with this rambling give a listen to the 23 minute podcast (omg it's 23 minutes long)